A ‘context’ is how an organizations relates to itself and the world around it. Choice is about making an informed decision, in a given context, once multiple alternatives are presented. One such organizational element which banks on both context and choice making is recruitment.

Companies consider candidates, based on the role assigned in a context. As the organization evolves, the requirement process also evolves and comes to base this ‘requirement’ of an available position, with the present incumbent’s character, and expectations of the future.

Role of Context in Recruitment

Organizations are built by people. The attraction of key people is what organizations find to be a challenge. Positions or roles are created on the requirements of the organization, based on present and future context. The essence of the responsibilities of the role, codified, turns into a ‘Position Description,’ synonymously also called as ‘Job Description.’

Creating a position description remains an ambiguous exercise. And easy to get wrong. The role of an individual, is the evolution of skills, knowledge, behavior, and individual traits, capable of undertaking an assignment successfully. Generating a position description, is presently an art.

Spire solutions based on context intelligence platform

Spire Technologies through its Context Intelligence platform, redefines how ‘Profile Description’ is done in the 21st century. Spire’s extensive experiential learning, allows it to create the process and definition of open roles, by adding in elements of map-able attributes, including skill, knowledge, personal, behavioral, and trainable and untrainable traits. And every aspect of the mapping can be given a weightage. The prospective candidate’s resume/curriculum vita e, is then matched against the stated requirement.
