If you're a manager who is facing a struggling, sluggish workforce, then it's time to make a few small, simple changes that have a big impact on the happiness and productivity of your employees. It's really as simple as treating your employees like they are leaders you need to make your organization work. When employees feel valued, they will go above and beyond the call of duty for you and for your organization. Below are four tips for taking your employees from mere workers to leaders of the future.
Tip #1: Create mentorship opportunities
If you want to turn your employees into leaders, you've got to give them opportunities to grow into that leadership. One effective way to achieve this is by creating mentorship opportunities within your company. Pair up employees who are tenured with newbies. You can create a "lunch buddy" system and encourage employees to take initiative in getting to know one another and offering advice.
Tip #2: Encourage professional development
Many companies offer opportunities for professional leadership development, but employees either aren't aware of it or they work in an environment in which it is not outwardly encouraged. Change this cultural at your work by informing employees of the classes or workshops they could participate in that would develop their leadership skills. They will feel more empowered as leaders if you're encouraging them to go down that route. Many employees don't see themselves as leaders—but it's your job to make sure everyone knows they have the potential to develop as a leader. Professional development courses is one way to enforce that idea.
Tip #3: Incentivize through employee recognition
Employees who are happy at work and feel that they are making a contribution to the organization are more likely to report they are satisfied — even if they aren't making the highest salary. But if employees don't feel like they are being valued, they won't stay with you for long. Incentivize your workplace by implementing an employee recognition program. Every quarter, let your employees know there will be an award for three employees who are exhibiting the mission and passion of your organization. Offer a significant "prize" for the winners—such as a $500 bonus and a plaque. By doing this, you will re-enforce to your employee awardees that you value them and that you are counting on them to rise up and lead within your organization. That small gesture will go a long way.
Tip #4: Be intentional about team-building
One of the greatest things you can do as a manager or supervisor who has the power to organize teams is to bring diverse people from across your organization—diverse in roles and experiences—to problem-solve together. Recognizing the potential of everyone to contribute and to work toward a solution together will empower your employees and shape them into leaders through that process.
All in all, try one of these tips each quarter over the course of the year to experiment with how your employees react and how they take on new roles at your organization. What you'll find is increased satisfaction, productivity and positivity at your workplace. That's something every workforce could use more of—and it's in your power to make it happen simply by enacting a few simple programs and changes over the course of the year. Turn your employees into engaged leaders who will make your company the most successful and effective it can be.