Recognise This! – Helping employees build stronger relationships at work makes them more productive and your company more successful.

Let’s get down to the basics. People get the work done – regardless of industry. People get more work done when they work together. That, however, relies on strong relationships of trust and accountability at work.

Pam Kimmet, senior vice president of human resources for Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc., illustrated this point well in a story in HR Executive Online about the changing role of the CHRO role and best way to build trust and influence:

“You can build the strongest relationship on the earth with your CEO, but if you don’t have good lateral relationships, you’re not going to be as effective as you can be. The biggest stumbling block [is when] people say they want to derive their power from their relationship with the CEO. You derive power to get things done and make a positive difference by having legitimate relationships with all of your senior colleagues. When you can have the magic of a team trusting each other and enjoying working well with each other, there is no better professional or personal experience. I know that sounds really hokey, but it’s really true.”

And those relationships often are not reflected in the traditional organisation chart. In today’s world of multi-cultural, multi-national, multi-generational teams scattered across countries and around the world, how do you build those relationships?

One of the most powerful methods of building relationships is to let others know you notice and appreciate them and their efforts. Social Recognition spreads that appreciation even farther, strengthening the web of your relationships at work by making recognition and appreciation a natural part of every day.

How do you get your work done? Through your hierarchical relationships of the traditional org chart or through the people you interact with the most (regardless of official “role”)?