Over the years some have found that HR communication has become somewhat synonymous with flat messages, full of corporate jargon that take up space in their inbox and rarely entice the recipient to open, let alone read it…

Until now. With all the developments in modern technology HR departments all over the world should be jumping at the chance to revamp their image, get on board and make some electrifying changes!

HR deal with some of the most exciting and positive aspects of any company; recruitment, training, bonuses, reward, the list goes on. So why wouldn’t you take an inspiring and stimulating approach to your internal business communication?

With the introduction and acceptance of a variety of employee communication platforms into the office world, from good old email to social networking sites, intranets and working forums, HR departments now have a choice about how to connect with their employees. Importantly, employers also have to remember that with all that choice of channels, employees also have the choice in how they want to receive and engage with your communication – so it isn’t just about what you’d like to do.

Effective communication between employer and employee is paramount to any business; it won’t only improve employee engagement and motivation but also drive performance.

To get your message heard you need to stand out from the crowd. How do you do this? Here are a few top tips for you:

Your HR communication needs to appeal to employees – they have to want to read or listen to it. These top tips will set you on the right path. But don’t just take our word for it – hear from HR Directors how they have been doing it.