In 2013, there was a surge in the inclusion of social media, and of mobile in recruitment strategies, which we are continuing to see. The ease of engaging with candidates on social networks or enabling access to recruitment applications on mobile portals appealed to both the HR specialists and candidates. For HR, these new platforms help leaders get to new talent quickly. Candidates also benefit by being kept informed of the application process at every step.
However, a new trend is coming to the forefront of the HR director’s agenda, which is that of using video software – enabled on all platforms – to hold interviews with people living at opposite ends of the country or even opposite ends of the globe. This solves one specific and prominent HR challenges; to manage recruitment in different countries, across different time zones and cultures.
But for the candidate, the recruitment process may still prove daunting, which is why it’s best to follow these six steps:
1. Practice questions – these are often provided by recruiters or employers prior to an interview, so make sure to plan and practice your answers well before. If you’re not provided with questions, there are resources online such as National Careers Service that can help.
2. Think about your strengths and weaknesses – these types of questions are likely to appear in an interview, so you need to be prepared. Think about a weakness that shows you’re eager to improve – though not one that will let your interview down. Also, when it comes to recording your video (if this is the requirement) make sure your technology is tested and have proven during practice.
3. Dress up – first impressions count even on video so dress appropriately. You’ll also find that dressing to impress can radically change your demeanour and shows that you take pride in your appearance.
4. Look at the camera and not the screen – this ensures you are making “eye-contact” with the interviewer(s) rather than looking at the screen. This makes things more personal and you’ll seem more approachable.
5. Choose a good spot to do the interview – light room, neutral background, uncluttered space are all things that will help you stay focused on the task at hand and will also allow the employer to engage with you better. Shadows and clutter will never give off the right impression.
6. Watch your language – Don’t use slang and jargon and speak clearly. As discussed before, it’s better to practice how you look and sound before getting on a video call with an employer. If they can’t understand you, they won’t hire you.