I get many questions about what the main HR Strategies are and how they differ from each other.  So, I thought it would be helpful to share the main points from materials I use when conducting HR Strategy reviews in companies or in keynotes on HR excellence.  So here are four HR Strategies in a nutshell:

                            HR strategy unplugged

1.   "Best fit" between strategy and organisational capability

The Best Fit approach may take longer than item 2 below, but it offers the best chance of success.

2.   Install “best practice” elements e.g.

The best practice approach assumes that you can effectively ‘plug and play’ HR practices from company to company.  The Public Sector in particular is fond of the approach.  Yet plug and play HR rarely works without some consideration of the culture and structure into which best practice is to be installed.

3.   To exploit organisational core competencies, which exhibit the following characteristics:

Effectively an inside-out strategy – making the most of what you have.

4.   To create an adaptive or learning company

These approaches are not mutually exclusive and many companies would opt to focus on more than one approach.  This is rather different than flitting from fad to fad on a regular basis.

We’ll be exploring the theory and practice of becoming a learning company at the Chartered Management Institute in Bedford on Tuesday November 13 evening.