It was a busy week on HRzone: we got into the swing of recruitment with a feature about ethical recruiting – a silver lining to the recession and some claim, the future of the industry. We are looking at the future of recruitment quite a lot over this week: you can see an introduction to this very subject from Bill Boorman, social recruiter and the organiser of TRULondon amongst other unconferences, here. And there’s plenty more where that came from so keep your eyes peeled – and if you have anything to add to the discussion, do let me know.
I will be interested to see how LV=’s new recuitment campaign turns out. They are looking to fill 300 posts and are using a rather unusual techique which is bound to raise the profile of their campaign hugely. Will it be a gimmick, or will this kind of marketing become standard?
We also crowned our Blogger of the Month this week – congratulations go to Derek Irvine who won the most votes. You can check out his excellent blog here. Voting has begun on this month’s Blogger of the Month, this time with a shortlist of five. Click here to make your choice.
In HR news we discovered that simple HR steps taken by SMEs can make big differences to the bottom line and how they fared during the recession. The results likely won’t come as a surprise to you but it’s great to see it recognised.
Lastly, we have an interview with Ed Golitko, Human Resources Director at EMC, who claims HR is just too helpful – maybe human resources should try to make their own lives easier for a change. I wonder if you agree with that?