The UK unemployment total has risen by 15,000 people for the first time in two years, according to the Office for National Statistics. Recruiter Hydrogen Group believes this to be a statistical blip, as the employment market marches on and the war on talent is back in full force.
“Clearly the fundamentals do not support any notion that this rise is anything more than a statistical blip” says Ian Temple, CEO of global recruiter Hydrogen Group. “Strong economic prospects, and a rise in wages indicate that this is hardly a trend.  Being at the coalface of the employment market, we have not seen anything to indicate that recruitment is stalling, in fact, quite the opposite” he concludes.
The ONS also revealed that the pace of pay rises continued to pick up.  This trend may be explained as demand for talent continues to outstrip the number of candidates seeking work.
In an interview with the Guardian last  April, Kevin Green, Rec’s (The Recruitment & Employment Confederation) chief executive, said: “Almost a third of recruiters say that starting salaries have increased in comparison to last month, and we’ve seen another increase in the number of people [who] have found a new job via a recruiter.”
“This suggests that labour market fluidity is returning. Candidates are more confident about looking for work, and there are opportunities to earn more for those that do” he remarked.
“Employers need to realise that people are deciding to change jobs because they can earn more than in their current job.” Green told the Guardian