The survey asked participants questions based on their experiences with stress at work. 

Out of 85 people who took part in the survey, 81 of them admitted to experiencing stress at some point in their careers. When you consider that it was the general public who took part in the survey, it shows that stress at work is extremely common. 

Contributing Factors

When asked what were the main contributing factors to workplace stress, participants could choose multiple options. This is because there are regularly more than one contributor to stress in the workplace. 

As you can see from the graph, 62 participants (73%) blamed poor management for their stress. 49 people (58%) believe that an excessive workload was a major contributor to stress, while almost half of all participants included bullying or discrimination as a factor. 

Scared to tell employer

The overwhelming majority of people taking part in the survey were afraid to tell their employer about going through stress at work. There were many different reasons for this, but they were mainly scared of what management might think of them. There is a certain stigma attached to stress related illness that needs tacking by companies, managers and all company employees.

Click here for the full survey, including gender, location and salary,