The use of sifting tools, for example, has become extremely popular for sorting through CVs, and I’ve previously blogged on one of the most effective methods: Situational Judgement Tools (SJTs). These are designed to assess the suitability of a candidate by presenting them with a range of scenarios and a selection of possible responses. The jobseeker then rates the effectiveness of each response to the situation, and the results are compared with the judgements of a group of experts.
SJTs can be really useful when it comes to finding the right talent, with benefits including the fact that they are realistic and job-relevant, and can be automatically scored. However, for particularly high volumes and/or specialist roles, multiple assessments may be necessary to identify the right candidates. So, in order to get the most out of the tools, it’s fundamental to be able to recognise their advantages and disadvantages to ensure you’re using the methods that best match your objectives.
If you think that using sifting tools would benefit your businesses and would like to find out some more detail, why not join us for a free webinar? Next Tuesday (30th October) at 3pm, we’ll be discussing the different tools that can be used, what each method assesses, the benefits of our online SIFT (TM) toolkit, and how SIFT has been used to predict candidate potential. We’ll also give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have, and we’ll answer them at the end of the session.
So if you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late! You can register here and will receive a confirmation email with all the details. We’ll also be tweeting throughout the webinar using the hashtag #siftingtools, so make sure you follow us on twitter!