I had a great meeting with Meg over coffee and cake at her favourite coffee shop to find out about her HR journey.  You’ll find a summary of the interview here with Meg’s journey through HR and her tips for developing a career in Learning & Development.

How did you get into HR?

I moved into a brand new Training Department at Next Distribution from being a Supervisor of their IT systems helpdesk when a business relocation prompted a restructure of the department.  I was part of the training team there for 13 years before I left to join Cube Learning & Development.

IT to Training seems an unusual leap – tell me more?

My Manager suggested the move saying I’d be really good at Training.  I’d been supervising a team and had enjoyed the training element of that.

So how did you manage the transition?

I did my Certificate in Training Practice and had some great role models in the Training team at Next.  I started off doing the systems and procedural training, which I already knew lots about and then gradually moved into Management Development.

What did you have to do to develop yourself through this time?

Developing myself was important in the role and I combined qualifications with learning from experienced colleagues.  I did 4 specialist electives of the CIPD qualification and completed the Advanced diploma in L&D via MOL.  Fitting in the  formal training was hard with a small baby – I look back and don’t know how I did it!  I also did lots of CPD through observing other trainers, going out on CPD events.  Keeping up to date with new things was important so I did research through things like the Training Journal online and networked with my college friends to share information and knowledge.

As I progressed I trained in Performance and Life Coaching and did the MBTI qualifications as well.  The most important part of my development was through working with the others in the team, over time people left and new people joined the team and this always presented a new opportunity to learn from others and gain new techniques and ideas.  In addition, the business changed so much  -there were always new challenges to meet to stretch and develop my skills, knowledge and ability.

What’s your tip to others who are progressing their career?

I have a few tips!  My biggest tip is to accept that you have your own personal style and don’t try to be someone else.  Learn from what you like about what others do and implement those techniques and get as much exposure to other trainers as possible to help find your own style.

What’s your biggest regret?

Oh that’s a hard question I don’t have many.  I think looking back I would have liked to have done a teacher trainer course.  I didn’t know until recently that I would really like to  work with Young people and I think if I had been more confident when I was younger I may have gone into teaching.

What prompted the move to Cube Learning & Development?

I wanted to do more coaching – that’s the bit I love…helping someone with individual and unique development needs.  I love it when you can see someone flourish.  I feel really lucky that I worked for an organisation that invested in me.  Now I get to work with many different people across different cultures and industries, which is fascinating.  My clients range from Managers to school leavers.  On top of doing a job I love, I get to balance time with my family and my role as a Mum.

Cube learning & development work with organisations nationwide to deliver strategic & group training sessions as well as one to one coaching sessions.  Further details can be found at www.cube-ld.co.uk

Thank you to Meg for giving her time to us for the HR Journey. Meg’s passion for seeing people develop is inspirational and something I share wholeheartedly.   My biggest learning from Meg on her journey was to spend time with others doing a similar role to you so that you widen your awareness of what’s possible.  As you create that gap between awareness – your skills you grow to fill the gap.

I’m always looking to hear new experiences so if you’d like to feature in one of the posts I’d love to hear from you.  Whether you are at the start of your career or have just made a change – your story will provide inspiration to others.  Post a comment on the blog, visit me on facebook www.facebook/theHRcoach, contact me through linked in or visit my website www.cmcoaching.co.uk


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