360-degree feedback is no longer exclusively used for leadership development and has a number of other corporate uses. Topping this list is using 360 for appraisal.

We explore this trend and the considerations required in greater detail in our latest original HR insight paper: 360 for appraisal. Our client RBS, gives an account of their use of 360 for performance management.

Our survey of senior HR professionals found that a quarter of private sector companies use 360 for appraisal. But what is it about 360 that is leading companies to incorporate it into appraisals, and why now?

Traditionally performance appraisals have focussed only on what objectives have been achieved by an individual. Using 360-degree feedback allows companies to capture how employees go about reaching targets. Increasingly, companies are seeing the importance of assessing their employees on behaviours and values. By doing so companies can see how employees contribute to long term objectives, in addition to what they achieve.

And 360-degree feedback helps such measurement. It is a unique tool that recognises the complexity of management and brings together multiple relevant perspectives, not just that of the line manager.