It’s that daily question that we get asked, what opportunities do you have outside of London? ‘I’d like something closer to home’. We’ve all been there, sat on a packed train doing the rat race, herded like sheep and should you be one of the fortunate ones to actually get a seat then you still get sneezed on! 

After a particularly difficult day (at a previous company) earlier this year, I was greeted by a delayed train and a severely squashed journey home, all of which I gratefully pay a small fortune for the pleasure. I decided after years of making the commute into the city I would have a look at roles closer to home.  I was imagining all of the extra time I would have… a couple of extra gym sessions a week, dinners with friends, wonderful home cooked meals…

Attending an interview which was a 15 minute walk from home, the interview started well, until I asked about progression (only in the London office), managing a team (only in the London office), social activities (mainly in the London office) onsite facilities (yes, only in London) …. I was starting to see a theme forming and was realising the drawbacks of working in a smaller regional office. I like many that have gone down this path before I swiftly called back my recruiter and commenced my London search.

So now when I get asked about opportunities outside of the city, I suggest by all means look, there are some great roles out there, but stay open to London options are there is a reason why 320,000 people commute into the square mile each day!     

Zoe Osborne joined MDH late last year….and now enjoys her commute a little more.