Staff retention and the argument on whether or not keeping workers happy improves a company is a vastly debated topic, but with so many people seeking out an attractive employee benefits package, one can only presume they would expect first-class treatment throughout their contract.

So why is retaining great employees within a company a must? The answer is simple, striving for the happiness of employees ensures the health and continued growth of a business. Having high staff turnover can contribute to unnecessary financial strain on resources and existing staff morale.

Antara Palace is a luxury spa resort in Cyprus with a strong reputation for providing the highest levels of customer service. Its secret? Owners of the facility insist that by ensuring all of their staff are happy and fulfilled with their role, they stand a better chance of having satisfied customers. It makes sense, as an employee who is willing to go the extra mile for their employer is far more likely to paint a positive picture of the company than somebody who resents their bosses.

With that in mind, here are 3 ways to ensure your employees remain loyal to your organisation.

Create a relaxed environment

As an employer, it’s vital to stay in touch with reality when it comes to staff wellbeing and happiness. Creating an environment that encourages constructive criticism and thought leadership will ensure that employees feel relaxed in expressing themselves and in generating ideas that could hugely benefit your company.

People working out of passion, as opposed to just for a pay cheque, often engage emotionally with the company, they feel part of something – a vision. Creating a vision that every team member can see themselves being part of is well worthwhile in ensuring that productivity and the quality of work produced remains high.

Act on feedback

Any company that strives to be a huge success should really be focusing on staff thoughts and feedback. As much as a company needs managers and directors, it is the ‘worker bees’ that keep the work ticking over and running like clockwork, so take a moment to hear from them. Do processes need adjusting? Are there any changes that can be made to the working day to boost productivity? Actively seeking opinion will encourage progression.   

Exit interviews are more than just a formality. You should take this opportunity to get as much feedback as possible and use it to make sure that your remaining staff can benefit from an unfortunate situation. Constant communication is paramount, as soon as the communication breaks down, issues can arise and mutual trust between management and workers can be lost.

Create a culture of transparency

A lot of companies have a veil of secrecy when it comes to P&Ls and KPIs, it’s usually corporate information that is not shared with employees as a way of maintaining a hierarchy. However, being transparent and enabling employees to understand the different cogs that keep a company afloat can add to the feeling of appreciation and importance. A person who feels more in the loop is more likely to feel like they have more sense of duty in ensuring they are successful in their role.

In conclusion, a simple way to look at this advice is to basically treat your staff like they are your customers. You wouldn’t encourage poor service for your customers, so why would you not treat your loyal employers with exactly the same ethos? Making these small changes and being more open can only improve a company’s working relationship and enable a workforce to fully function as a team.


This article was written by Maria Gallo who is part of the marketing team at Antara Palace, the ultimate wellness resort based in Cyprus. Her knowledge and understanding of luxury customer service and employee retention is her field of expertise.
