It was in the news that GP's are forwarding a motion to entend the amount of time employees can self certify their sick leave, increasing the time period from seven to 14 consecutive days without needing a note from their GP.
There have been many arguements for and against, with those agreeing saying that it will free up GP time for those more in need of appointments and those against fearful of employees abusing the system.
It has brought out up a good question of ' do, or can, we trust our employees?'
I believe that no employer wants to wish their workforce to be ill, and in the same respect, no employee wants to be ill either. So based on that common ground, should we not trust that staff will abide by the rules?
Workplace wellbeing charity, Health@Work welcomes the motion and thinks it should be considered:
Chief executive Frances Molloy commented:
"This is an announcement from the BMA which Health@Work believes needs to be considered. Managing absence within the workplace with the right training and support for managers is a much more cost effective and considered approach for all involved. This will reduce the time wastage with GP's and will ensure that practitioners can spend more time with patients that need appointments as a matter of priority. GP appointment times are also a challenge for businesses, as employees often need to book on the day which can also disrupt business planning. If GP’s were focused on those who really need their input then this would reduce the need for appointments for common ailments that can be managed without their intervention.”
Frances with comments that reflect my thinking on the matter. If we trust our employees and have an open and honest culture, why should we doubt their integrity.
"Businesses and organisations should aim to foster a culture where staff and management are honest and open and should look to develop a management process for short term sick leave. Employers should also look to take on a Better Ways Of Working approach to how their employees work – this includes flexible hours and remote working wherever possible. Introducing schemes to support employees health may be considered an unaffordable option for many small to medium sized employers, but there is a wealth of evidence to show that in the long term it is makes better sense for both the business and their employees.”
If the correct management structures are in place, complimented by smarter working conditions, we shouldn't need to worry about the motion, right?