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Call for more attention to RSI


The TUC has called for new European Directives to prevent RSI which now affects half a million people at work (one in every fifty workers) every year.

TUC health and safety specialist Owen Tudor said: “RSI is a global disease and Europe needs to take action to prevent future generations from suffering more epidemics of RSI. Work needs to be adapted to workers, because fitting the workers round the jobs doesn’t work.”

The TUC is calling for:

– a new Directive on ergonomics – requiring employers to ensure that work, work stations and work equipment like computers and conveyor belts suit their workers’ physical abilities

– amendments to the existing Manual Handling Directive to cover the repetitive and monotonous handling of small loads

– updating the Display Screen Equipment Directive to cover the greater use of computer mice, laptops and palm pilots

The same proposals were made recently by the influential Employment and Social Affairs Committee of the European Parliament. The TUC also wants more rehabilitation for RSI sufferers to ensure they can return to fitness and to work as soon as possible.

You can find more information on RSI from the Repetitive Strain Injury Association, Typing Injury FAQs, and RSI UK.

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