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Child benefit to be run by the Tax Man


Inland Revenue headquartersThe Inland Revenue is to run the Child Benefit Centre in Washington, Tyne and Wear, the Prime Minister announced yesterday.

Tony BlairThe Prime Minister announced the transfer in response to a Parliamentary question from Bridget Prentice MP.

Alistair Darling, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, said the move would enable Child Benefit in Great Britain to be administered alongside the new tax credit for families with children to be introduced in 2003, providing an improved service for parents.

Alistair Darling said: “The majority of the 7 million families who receive Child Benefit will also receive help through the new tax credit for families with children, so it makes sense for them to both be run by the Inland Revenue. Families will only need to deal with one department.”

Alistair Darling went on to praise staff at the centre for the high level of service they have consistently offered their customers.

Paymaster General Dawn Primarolo said: “Bringing Child Benefit together with the new tax credit for children will ensure that families receive all the help they need, enabling the Inland Revenue to give full support to parents and providing a convenient, responsive service from a single point of contact.”

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