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Annie Hayes



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Christmas a boring disruption, say businesses


Christmas in the workplace is a ghastly chore and goes on far too long, according to a survey published today. The report, by the Chartered Institute of Management, finds that many employees find office parties “hard work, disruptive, and dull.”

It also suggests that they’re on the wane, with only 61% of employees claiming to be having an office party in 2004, compared to 86% in 2002. Less than half of those surveyed admitted to enjoying office festivities.

More than a third said the period was disruptive, because absences created problems, and 47% said that Christmas festivities “drag on too long.”

SMEs, it seems are more infused with Christmas spirit than their larger counterparts, with 68% hosting Christmas parties (compared to 61% of large businesses), and 72% making some contribution to staff parties, compared to 51% of organisations with 200 or more employers.

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Annie Hayes


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