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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor


Coffee Break: Co-working, CV photos, and the case for a three day week


It's that time of the week already, where we fill your proverbial cup with a generous helping of news, opinion and general tidbits from across the online HR world.

Let us know what you've found interesting this week – or if you have any thoughts on the posts we've shared!


Should you include a photo on your resume? (HR Bartender)

A tongue-in-cheek look at attracting the top talent (The Cooper Review)

Is reservation about an employee a deal breaker? (Mashable)

Abolish the job description! (Dr Tim Baker, LinkedIn)

Be a good boss

Why I'll never put my customers first (Fast Company)

An open letter to my boss (Cake HR)

So you have a diversityy policy, wow! (Ian Buckingham, LinkedIn)

Team work & culture

After years of research, Google discovers the key to good teamwork is being nice (Quartz)

Where startups lead, corporates follow; why co-working is the future (The Guardian)

How to assess how your employees are feeling; no survey required (HR Gem blog)

Work is changing

Why we seem to be talking more and working less (Digital Tonto)

Three day working week 'optimal for over-40s' (BBC News)

And as a bonus treat, here is something that's entertained us this week – 10 Tricks to Appear Smarter in Meetings, from The Cooper Review. Enjoy!

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One Response

  1. Enjoying the Coffee Break
    Enjoying the Coffee Break read—insightful take on co-working, CV photos, and the case for a three-day week! By the way, looking for tips on how to capture stunning travel photos? Check out this guide at article. It’s a fantastic resource for elevating your travel photography game!<

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Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

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