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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor

Read more about Shonette Laffy

Coffee Break: Email, purpose and why employees resist change


Allow us to beckon you away from your desk for five minutes and regale you with tales of news and opinion from across the HR industry.

Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and feel free to tell us what you've enjoyed reading this week too.


Future of work (Future of Work hub)

– Why do people resist new technologies? History might provide the answer (World Economic Forum)

Organisational culture is complicated (Change-Effect)


– Breaking the engagement / performance erosion curve (David Hanrahan, LinkedIn)

– Nearly a third of millennials plan to leave their company within a year (World Economic Forum)

– Don’t let the fear of saying the ‘wrong’ thing takeover… (Zoe Wilson, LinkedIn)


Changing culture (People Performance Potential)

– Elder caregiving: the invisible workforce epidemic (Eremedia)

– The four stages of defining and implementing your company’s purpose (BusinessZone)


– Should employee appreciation be entirely performance-based? (Switch and Shift)

How to email (The Atlantic)

– 'We only get one life, don't spend it all at work': in praise of the four-day week (The Guardian)

Author Profile Picture
Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

Read more from Shonette Laffy