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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor

Read more about Shonette Laffy

Coffee Break: Empathy, employee surveys and HR dark arts


Here is your weekly round up of news, opinion and interesting blogs from across the HR world, which we've been busily curating for you over the past few days.

Let us know what you've enjoyed reading this week, and tell us what you think of the articles we've shared.


– Defence of the #HR dark arts (David D'Souza)

– Discovering your cultural competitive advantage (HR Director)

– Why organisations fail to get the most out of employee surveys (Effectory International)

– As HR evolves, practitioners need to invest in their own development (Katie Jacobs, LinkedIn)


Defining E & I & D (Katee Van Horn)

Notes from a big tent (Doug Shaw)

– Creative thinking and empathy in HR (Sukh Pabial)


– There’s more to ROI than money alone (New Co Shift)

– 1 Year, 1,000 CEOs: How to dramatically improve your culture in 365 days (Entrepeneur)

Preparing your managers before they start managing your people (Modern Learning in Practice)

– Take care of your employees, and they’ll take care of your business (Virgin)


What artificial intelligence can and can't do right now (HBR)

– The most important skills of tomorrow, according to five global leaders (World Economic Forum)

Why executives don't trust their own data and analytics (Fast Company)

– Big data and design thinking (IBM Big Data & Analytics Hub)

Author Profile Picture
Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

Read more from Shonette Laffy