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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor

Read more about Shonette Laffy

Coffee Break: Sensitivity, open offices and why degrees don’t matter


Are you up to date with the latest goings-on in HR? Fear not, we've spent the week rounding up our favourite articles and blogs for your enjoyment.

Let us know what you think the pieces we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading too!


– Magic HR & fun at work (Kate Russell, LinkedIn)

Why you should forget about the Future of Work (Strategic HCM)

Why organisations don't learn (HBR)

Looking for top talent? Stop looking for degrees (Justin Bariso, LinkedIn)


8 ways CEOs can jump-start their employer brand strategy (Talent Economy)

Your sensitivity is a career superpower. Here's how to use it (Forbes)

– When a company is failing, female CEOs get blamed more frequently than men (Huffington Post)

Effective managers spend little time in the weeds (The Lean Leader)


– Her: The future of bot technology and candidate feedback (William Tincup, LinkedIn)

Mobile apps to take over HR technology (Computer Weekly)

An open letter to Microsoft and Google's partnership on AI (Wired)

– Latest HR tech fad: Artificial Intelligence (Dan Croitor, LinkedIn)


Magical capitalism (Jasmine Gartner)

– What this new survey reveals about HR and you (Ally Micklem, LinkedIn)

How social media can create a better work environment (Hootsuite)

Are open office spaces good or bad? (Inc)

Author Profile Picture
Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

Read more from Shonette Laffy