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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor


Comms, culture & company values – our picks from this week’s HR news


It's been another interesting week in the world of HR; we've rounded up our favourite articles and blogs from the past week into a tidy little package for you to consume over your lunch break or commute. Enjoy, and let us know what else you've enjoyed reading this week!

Food for thought

Why everyone must get ready for the 4th industrial revolution (Forbes)

– Wearables in the workplace; some interesting research (Andy Campbell, LinkedIn)

– Flexible working helps women succeed but makes me unhappy, study finds (The Guardian)

– The steps behind one company's steaworthy onboarding process (Paul Petrone, LinkedIn Talent)

Rethinking recruitment

– 2016's toughest interview questions revealed (HR Grapevine)

– HR past, present and future (Geoffroy de Lestrange, LinkedIn)

– Can you hire someone without looking at a single resume? (Inc)

Committing to culture

– How important are company values – mere words or something more motivational? (CMI)

– Can corporate and creative cultures ever truly merge? (Fastcodesign)

– Draw the owl, and other company values you didn't know you should have (FirstRound)

Management woes

– RIP top-down management – networked teams are the future (Management Today)

Two-Thirds of Managers Are Uncomfortable Communicating with Employees (HBR)

Five minute break…

Having read an article this week that pets in the office increase employee loyalty, we decided to run a poll on Twitter to see what our followers would most like as an office pet – unsurprisingly dogs came our on top, although it does mean that it will be all the more special when we finally get clearance for Chico the HRZone chinchilla…

Do you have an office pet? Does it make the office that bit more pleasant?

That's it for this week's round-up – let me know your thoughts in the comments below, or feel free to share your own favourite tidbits!


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Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

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