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Annie Hayes



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Dyslexic staff ‘suffer in silence’


A new report by the TUC highlights the problems faced by the 2.9 million UK workers with dyslexia.

The ‘Dyslexia in the Workplace’ report warns that managers who do not appreciate the link between dyslexia and common performance problems can often judge dyslexic employees unfairly.

It also reveals that many people with dyslexia are unaware of their condition and are likely to be anxious, frustrated and suffer from low self-esteem at work.

The TUC report states that most common problems that dyslexics suffer at work include the following:

  • Following written or spoken instructions

  • Dealing with maps, charts and tables

  • Writing memos, letters and reports

  • Giving presentations

  • Scheduling work and meetings and keeping track of appointments

The report states that while dyslexic people may have problems with certain aspects of their work, they are likely to have strengths in other areas and amending working practices can ensure that both the employee and the company benefit.

TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber said that while the Disability Discrimination Act had gone some way to helping break down taboos about disability, many dyslexic staff suffer in silence.

“Workers with dyslexia need to know that the law is on their side and that there is support available to them. This new report equips union reps with the information they need to make sure that bosses are fulfilling their legal duties.

“However, it is not just about trying to catch bosses out and the report will help employers take any necessary steps to make their workplaces more tolerant and flexible.”

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Annie Hayes


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