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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor


HR dreams, family leave and the need for evidence-based practice


Top of the day to you, and welcome to our latest round up of news, blogs and opinion from across the HR industry.

Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading this week too!

Future work

The top jobs in 10 years might not be what you expect (Fast Company)

How the gig economy is reinventing attitudes to work (Talent Economy)

– Apprenticeships for the over-50s: Older workers will stay in jobs longer (The Telegraph) 

Workers' feelings of powerlessness fuelling anger, says jobs tsar (The Guardian)


– 5 interview questions that you’re asking – but probably shouldn’t (Change Effect)

The importance of building strong internal relationships (In-House Recruitment Expo)

– How to create an emotional connection with candidates (Personnel Today)


What's been happening to evidence-based practice? (Rob Briner, HR Magazine)

Performance appraisals encourage a 'fixed' mindset (Cognoscenti)

– HR can't compensate for poor managers (Lucy Adams, LinkedIn)

3 ways to collaborate with your team that will actually boost creativity (Inc)


Managing organisational heierarchies in a world of networks (HR Bartender)

Chipping away at engagement (Jasmine Gartner, LinkedIn)

A manager's guide to family leave at Buffer (Buffer Blog)

Dream your HR dreams, teach your HR dreams (Laurie Ruettimann)

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Author Profile Picture
Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

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