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Lucie Mitchell

Sift Media

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone


HR tip: Closure of canteen

Learn HR is a leader in the provision of HR and payroll training and nationally-recognised professional qualifications, and is experienced in advising on common HR and payroll problems. A wide selection of tips and guidance can be seen below. recommends that any tips are taken as a starting point for guidance only.



As so few of our employees now use the canteen for a hot midday meal, we want to close it to save money. Can we do this?


HR tip:

This depends on what the contracts of employment say. If they state that you will provide a hot midday meal, then you will need to negotiate the change with the employees concerned. They may agree to you doing so if you give them a sound reason, for example that it will enable you to spend money in some other more useful area that will improve job security, but you may have to concede some alternative benefit to them. You have more freedom to act if nothing is mentioned in the contract, though custom and practice suggests that you should make some reasonable alternative provision such as a sandwich service or a microwave where they can heat ready-prepared meals. Either way, a successful outcome is most likely to be achieved by talking to your employees honestly and openly.


Previous HR and Payroll tips:

September 2009
Children at work
Stopping swearing

August 2009
Types of holiday
Is ‘old boy’ discriminatory?
Too hot to work?
Parking on residential roads

July 2009
Length of CV
Wearing shorts at work
Unanswered job offer
Defining redundancy
What is theft?

June 2009
Challenging doctor’s fit note
Personal hygiene problem
Unfair vs wrongful dismissal
Appeal problem

May 2009
Termination arrangement
Reporting sexual harassment
Reducing wages
Recovering relocation expenses

April 2009
Proof of drunkenness
Validity of warnings
Loss of driving licence
Refusal to supply references
Informal warnings

March 2009
Burden of proof
Selection for redundancy
Workplace affairs

February 2009
A problem of discrimination?
Booking holidays
Help for redundant employees
Pin-ups in the machine shop

January 2009
Following disciplinary procedure 
Changing terms of employment after TUPE
Music in office
Time off for redundant employees

2008 tips

2007 tips

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Lucie Mitchell

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone

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