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Charlie Duff

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HR tip: Phone before sick visiting?


Learn HR is a leader in the provision of HR and payroll training and nationally-recognised professional qualifications, and is experienced in advising on common HR and payroll problems. A wide selection of tips and guidance can be seen below. recommends that any tips are taken as a starting point for guidance only. This week, can an employee refuse to accept the statements of terms and conditions?

Should we phone before visiting a sick employee at her home? We are worried about the person’s right to privacy.

Yes, you should. The person or her family will then have opportunity to tidy the house and make her presentable. Also many cures can be helped by going for walks, so you need to be sure that your journey is not wasted. You really should only turn up without warning if you have reason to suspect that the employee is feigning illness.

Previous HR and Payroll tips:


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2009 tips

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