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Charlie Duff

Sift Media


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HR Tip: Using solicitor in Employment Tribunal


These questions are being answered by Learn HR, a market leader in the provision of HR and payroll training and nationally-recognised professional qualifications.


We have been summoned to appear in the Employment Tribunal to defend a claim of unfair dismissal. Do you advise that we engage a solicitor or handle the case ourselves by sending our HR manager?


Employment Tribunals were set up as informal courts such that laypeople could represent themselves. However, although most tribunals do help the inexperienced, they tend to be quite legalistic. My advice therefore is that, if the matter is straightforward, take the case yourselves, but otherwise engage an employment law solicitor who practices regularly in the Employment Tribunal – and usually wins. If you take the case yourself, make sure that your HR manager has mugged up on both the case and on tribunal procedure.

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