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Annie Hayes



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HR Zone Members Newswire #144 – Controlling the Office Gossip


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 144
4 April 2006

*********************** Featured Sponsors **********************
Frontier Software – Serving your business better

Reward Recognition – Interview with Centre Island

Editor’s note
Can a confidentiality agreement curb an office gossip? We asked
Helen Badger, employment law expert at Browne Jacobson and
Martin Brewer, a partner with the employment team of Mills &
Reeve to respond to Pauline Martin’s question about this. See
what they had to say:

Elsewhere, we’ve got a fascinating question from a member caught
up in last week’s 24-hour strike by the 1.5m council workers
over pensions – touted as the biggest stoppage in the UK since
the General Strike in 1926. Our member, who works for Neath
Port Talbot Council was prevented from working on the strike day
by an office closure. She was subsequently docked a day’s pay.
Can they do this?

Annie Hayes MCIPD

Frontier Software – Serving your business better
Frontier Software realise that supplying excellent software is
only half of the service required by a company when implementing
a new software system, that’s why Frontier offers their services
at all stages of the project. Click here to read what additional
services they offer and how this can benefit your business.

Key business solutions:
Catch up on the latest answers supplied by members at Any
Answers and have your say by posting your thoughts to:

Sickness – genuine or not?
Peter Duckitt
Offers some valuable advice on how to approach an employee under
suspicion for pulling a sickie.

Alleged theft
Karen Drury does some sleuthing.

Requirement to tell police
Peter Stanway
Peter Stanway tells John Farrell that he should ignore police
request to pass on ‘intelligence’ from ex-offenders.

Reward Recognition – Interview with Centre Island
Centre Island wanted a new recognition programme that would
reward staff, increase retention and reduce recruitment costs.
Read how this hotel groups Award and Recognition programme with
Cottrills achieved all of this as well as motivating staff
throughout the organisation.

Legal advice on HR Zone
What’s the answer? Confidentiality controlling the office gossip
Pauline Martin gets legal guidance this week from Helen Badger,
employment law expert at Browne Jacobson and Martin Brewer, a
partner with the employment team of Mills & Reeve on how to stop
a gossip spreading the news.

News in Brief
The week in HR: Motor-mouths lose out at interview
Why employers are turned off by chatter boxes, reaction to the
government’s further education White Paper, PC industry leads
fight to save HCI and job cuts at Learning and Skills Council
sparks industrial unrest.

Can you help solve these business issues?
Catch up with the latest questions being asked by the community
and add your answers at:

“Must management provide the opportunity to work during a
strike?” Asks Alun Brookfield.

Should Marie Smith move to a disciplinary?

“Can you force employees to share a hotel room for the duration
of a training course?”

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Clinton Cards PLC, Swindon Borough Council, Johnson & Johnson
Medical Ltd, Warwickshire County Council, British American
Tobacco, Oracle Corporation UK LTD, Frazer Jones, JPMorgan,
Transport for London, Royal Mail, Wiltshire County Council.

Subscription information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
* HR Zone Members Newswire: latest Q&A plus business solutions
* HR Briefing: your weekly news and features round-up

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Annie Hayes


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