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Annie Hayes



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HR Zone Members Newswire #162 – Part-time Working: Do Businesses Benefit?


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 162
1 August 2006

********************** Featured Sponsors ***********************
Free ‘Working Progress’ Report

Absenteeism – Free White Paper

Editor’s note
Flexible working regulations appear to lend themselves
particularly favourably to working mums, wishing to juggle
nappies with boardroom activities. In our feature of the week, I
report on whether part-time working is exclusively the preserve
of working mums and what if any are the business benefits. See
what our HR Directors had to say on the matter including Helena
Peacock of the Penguin Group, Sandy Boyle of Mills & Reeve and
Melanie Guy of Snowdrop, amongst others.

Annie Hayes MCIPD

Free ‘Working Progress’ Report
A disconnect exists between young people and the organisational
cultures they encounter in the workplace.
The “Working Progress” report, from Orange and think-tank Demos,
highlights the damaging disconnect between graduates and
employers and how this is affecting UK PLC. This report provides
solid and practical recommendations of ways in which the two can

Feature of the week:
Part-time working: What’s the business benefit?
Annie Hayes, HR Zone Editor reports on the experiences and
cautionary tales of those HR professionals that have and
continue to manage part-time workers.

Key business solutions:
Catch up on the latest answers supplied by members at Any
Answers and have your say by posting your thoughts to:

Can we dismiss before an official diagnosis?
Kam Bains offers some sound advice regarding disability and

Medical certificates
Peter Stanway explains why he believes doctor’s notes to be
nothing more then a nuisance in short term absence cases.

Grievance rules
“Can you raise a grievance against the contemplation of a
dismissal?” Members’ responses.

Absenteeism – Free White Paper
Many businesses happily invest money into the development of
their products and services, but few invest in the health of one
of the most vital assets – their employees. This white paper
looks at the detrimental effect that ill-health can have on a
business and why it is important for HR departments to look
after the health of their employees. Click here for more.

Legal advice on HR Zone
What’s the answer? Withdrawing a verbal offer of employment
Claire Paton gets legal guidance this week from Sarah Bird,
employment law expert at Browne Jacobson and Martin Brewer, a
Partner with the employment team of Mills & Reeve on how to make
a u-turn on a verbal offer of employment.

Ask your benefits questions at Any Answers
Any Answers sponsors Croner Reward invite members to ask
questions on any aspect of employee benefits from Pay & Benefits
Benchmarking and Reward Structure Reviews to Employee Share
Schemes. Take advantage of expert advice by posting your
questions to:

Can you help solve these business issues?
Catch up with the latest questions being asked by the community
and add your answers at:

Is it safe to terminate an employee’s contract if they are
registered as ‘missing’?

Caroline Miles wants to remedy an incorrect reference that
resulted in an ex-employee losing out on a job offer.

“Should staff under investigation be suspended?” Asks Rachel

Jobs of the Week
Provided by
The specialist human resources job board

If you would like to advertise your vacancies on Changeboard and
have access to the thousands of jobseekers using Changeboard
each day, please click here for your information pack.

People Development Manager (Field based)
One Stop Stores
Flexible location in the UK
45k-50k GBP + car + benefits

HR Services Manager
Swindon, South West
Circa 50,000 GBP

HR Change Managers
HM Prison Service
Cir. 40,000-60,000 GBP

HR Manager
Thomson NETg
Up to 55,000 GBP plus benefits

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Derby Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Withers LLP, Ericsson Ltd,
Employers For Childcare, Woodhouse Medical Centre, Clarkslegal
LLP, Linklaters, Connaught Partnerships Ltd, Notting Hill
Housing Trust, BBC, HRM Software, Old Mutual Asset Management.

Subscription information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
* HR Zone Members Newswire: latest Q&A plus business solutions
* HR Briefing: your weekly news and features round-up

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Annie Hayes


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