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HR Zone Workshop Alert – live from Atlanta!



TrainingZONE/HR Zone Workshop Alert
Online workshop: live from Training 2001
Conference and Expo, Atlanta, USA
Tuesday 6 March, 13:00 GMT


This workshop, coming live from the 24th annual Training Conference and Expo organised by VNU business Media offers a chance to discuss highlights of the latest ideas for development and learning, and the state of the art technologies live from the Training 2001 convention. From the hundreds of workshops, key-notes and exhibitors, workshop host Peter Cox and other contributors at the show will be online at 8am their time to cover:

* what next year’s focus in learning might be
* who has been providing the new ideas
* ideas that will change our training technique or focus
* where the technologies of learning are going

About the workshop host:

Peter Cox is Managing Director of TMPL Consultants/Training based in Cardiff and Warwick. TMPL have clients in many public sector fields – the arts, fire services, Ministry of Defence, charities and not for profits. The company is focussed on developing organisations and individuals and is a technology partner supplying on-line learning and knowledge management solutions. As part of his own CPD, Peter has attended three previous ‘Training’ conventions and mostly rates them as ‘his fastest learning experience of the year’.

Log on and speak to Peter live, completely free-of-charge at

Last week’s workshop
Last week’s workshop explored practical tips for teambuilding.
To read the transcript from the session, go to

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