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WhatsApp Email Bulletin Archive


This page will be updated with the latest email bulletins as they are sent to members. To view the bulletins, click on the links below.

05 May 2009 – HR in a recession: A change of focus

30 April 2009 – Cutting the cost of wellness

28 April 2009 – How to manage sickness absence in a downturn

27 April 2009 – Learning and Development Supplement: L&D in tough times

23 April 2009 – Redundancy survivors: Managing increased workloads and stress

21 April 2009 – Mental health in the workplace: The hidden epidemic

16 April 2009 – Health, work and director leadership

14 April 2009 – Keeping stress down and motivation up in challenging times

09 April 2009 – How does your organisation impact on work-related health?

07 April 2009 – Wellbeing at work gets personal

02 April 2009 – The cycle of grief: The key to handling redundancy

31 March 2009 – Age awareness when making redundancies

26 March 2009 – Web 2.0 and HR: Ignorance is not bliss

24 March 2009 – Legislation update: Unfair dismissal compensation

19 March 2009 – Is temporary labour the answer during a recession?

17 March 2009 – Managing change in difficult times

12 March 2009 – Additional paternity leave: Sleepless nights for businesses?

10 March 2009 – Is it bye bye bonuses?

05 March 2009 – Start studying: Employment law round-up

03 March 2009 – Diversity is not a single issue

26 February 2009 – HR on a budget: Reward in a cold climate

24 February 2009 – Imposing religious views on others at work

23 February 2008 – HR strategy supplement: HR Strategy during a downturn

19 February 2009 – Walking the redundancy tightrope

17 February 2009 – Employment, pensions and share schemes in 2009

12 February 2009 – And they say romance is dead

10 February 2009 – Developing your managers in a downturn

05 February 2009 – Cost-effective employee engagement

03 February 2009 – No pay rises pleae, we’re British

29 January 2009 – Downturn downtime? Organisation development in a recession

27 January 2009 – Online social networking – The productivity paradox

22 January 2009 – In turbulent times, people matter

20 January 2009 – Equality Bill: Stifling women’s rise to the boardroom

15 January 2009 – Getting more bang for your e-buck

13 January 2009 – Don’t forget your employees when times get tough

08 January 2009 – The knowledge crunch is on its way

06 January 2009 – Credit crunch or global growth: Strategy for the future

18 December 2008 – Dear Santa: HR’s Christmas wish list

16 December 2008 – Become an employer of choice in 2009

11 December 2008 – HR predictions 2009: Exclusive insight into the year ahead

09 December 2008 – The ultimate 12 Days of Christmas competition giveaway

04 December 2008 – The great escape: Retaining talent in a recession

02 December 2008 – Are you undermining your managers?

27 November 2008 – Yule be redundant: Crisis at Christmas

25 November 2008 – The new disciplinary and grievance procedures: A simple success

20 November 2008 – Taking a measured approach to Christmas spirit

18 November 2008 – Information overload: Taking back control

13 November 2008 – Stormy waters: Leading in a downturn

11 November 2008 – Redundancy: How to manage the survivors

06 November 2008 – Beating the bully: What is HR’s role?

04 November 2008 – Legislation update: How to determine worker status

29 October 2008 – The leadership crisis

28 October 2008 – Organisational change: The messy reality

23 October 2008 – Keeping out of the dock: Tips on avoiding tribunals

21 October 2008 – Managing the star performer

16 October 2008 – Employer branding: Biting through the candy floss

14 October 2008 – Can you keep your head when all around you are losing theirs?

09 October 2008 – In sickness and occupational health: Absence management

07 October 2008 – Recruitment: Do looks matter?

02 October 2008 – Does talent management software work?

30 September 2008 – Change: The never-ending story

25 September 2008 – Flexing the benefits of flexible workers

23 September 2008 – Stop the gossip: Stifle salary disclosures and silence the ‘whistleblowers’

18 September 2008 – HR and the war for talent

16 September 2008 – HR interims: The ‘crunch’ beaters

11 September 2008 – Calling all HR heroes

09 September 2008 – HR software: Can the pick ‘n’ mix approach work?

04 September 2008 – Crunch time: Retaining staff through motivation

02 September 2008 – Trigger happy: Employment legislation October 2008

28 August 2008 – Payroll giving: Charity begins at work

26 August 2008 – In the line of fire: Dealing with difficult situations

21 August 2008 – Working out: The benefits shape-up

19 August 2008 – How to ensure a fair redundancy

14 August 2008 – Nine months is only the start: Managing maternity

12 August 2008 – The boys are back in town: Men in HR

07 August 2008 – Interims: Try before you buy

05 August 2008 – School’s out for summer: Flexibility for parents

31 July 2008 – Damage limitation: Managing poor performers

29 July 2008 – The ‘ivory tower’ leader: How can HR help them engage?

24 July 2008 – Degrees of tolerance: Stamping out summer sickies

22 July 2008 – Do staff only treasure cash rewards?

17 July 2008 – Temp and agency workers: A fair deal?

15 July 2008 – Total rewards: All about the team

10 July 2008 – Sunburn and sexual harassment: The office summer party

08 July 2008 – When the going gets tough, talent management gets going

03 July 2008 – Corporate social networking: Why should HR embrace it?

01 July 2008 – Ashes to ashes: Smoking ban one year on

26 June 2008 – Immigration legislation: Fines on the rise

24 June 2008 – Do your managers have tantrums?

19 June 2008 – What makes a good boss?

17 June 2008 – Final destination? HR in the future

12 June 2008 – Sabbaticals: Rewarding employees with the gift of time

10 May 2008 – Engagement: Will we ever learn?

05 June 2008 – Dyslexia at work: Realising your employees’ potential

03 May 2008 – The secret of my succession

29 May 2008 – Bringing up baby: Putting time into paternity leave

27 May 2008 – The talent crunch

22 May 2008 – Mediation: The ‘win-win’ of dispute resolution?

20 May 2008 – Remote control: Home working technology

15 May 2008 – Work-life balance: A little flexibility goes a long way

13 May 2008 – Staff motivation: Am I bovvered?

08 May 2008 – Follow the leader: Creating an engaging culture

06 May 2008 – Health efficiency: Employers get physical

01 May 2008 – Flying high with HR consultancy

29 April 2008 – Harness the elearning explosion

24 April 2008 – The major costs of minor accidents

22 April 2008 – Targeting costs in the online job hunt

17 April 2008 – The brighter side of performance management

15 April 2008 – Can equal treatment be temporary?

10 April 2008 – From sick to fit: Can we create a ‘well note’ culture?

08 April 2008 – Employee recognition: Keeping them sweet

03 April 2008 – Learning at work: The key to qualification?

01 April 2008 – Laying down the law: Legislation roundup

27 March 2008 – Kitted out for maternity leave

25 March 2008 – Corporate manslaughter: Ignorance is no excuse

20 March 2008 – Appraisals: The bigger picture

18 March 2008 – Rising stars: Looking for the ‘x-factor’

13 March 2008 – The dawn of a new age

11 March 2008 – Salary sacrifice: Too good to be true?

06 March 2008 – Change: The final frontier

03 March 2008 – The great gender debate

28 February 2008 – The salvation army: Our companies need you

26 February 2008 – Employing illegal workers: Are you in the know?

21 February 2008 – Web 2.0: A wider world for workers

19 February 2008 – Keeping it in the family: The mentoring legacy

14 February 2008 – All’s fair in love and HR

12 February 2008 – Getting your just rewards? Investing in an individual solution

07 February 2008 – Virtual meetings: A way of life?

05 February 2008 – Hello, is it me you’re looking for?

31 January 2008 – Training needs analysis: A ‘spray’ and ‘pray’ exercise?

29 January 2008 – Human risk management: Are you in the know?

24 January 2008 – Once a bully always a bully? Dealing with the perpetrators

22 January 2008 – Finders keepers: Retention for the year ahead

17 January 2008 – Sooner rather than later: Curing long-term absence

15 January 2008 – Gearing up for green fleets

10 January 2008 – Flexible working for all: Do we want or need it?

8 January 2008 – HR in 2008: The long and winding road: Reducing commuting

3 January 2008 – Interim managers – an expensive waste of time?

20 December 2007 – Here’s to your good health – and safety

18 December 2007 – HR in 2008: Predictions, forecasts and crystal ball gazing

13 December 2007 – Is your net rep on form?

11 December 2007 – My boss is bad: Are you a victim?

6 December 2007 – Sick of seasonal absence?

4 December 2007 – Recruitment 2008: Trouble down the line?

29 November 2007 – The flex capacitor: Back to the future of benefits

27 November 2007 – Corporate manslaughter: Still against the law

22 November 2007 – Growing pains: The emergence of ‘e-learning’

20 November 2007 – The good, the bad and the plain ugly

15 November 2007 – Engagement is not enough

13 November 2007 – Estranged by change?

8 November 2007 – My boss is (still) bad

6 November 2007 – Don’t blame it on the moonlight

1 November 2007 – Shaken not stirred: Should HR battle for ‘diversity’ rights?

30 October 2007 – Operation good guys: HR and CSR

25 October 2007 – Crisis point: Dealing with compassionate leave

23 October 2007 – Moving on up

18 October 2007 – Employer branding: PR for HR

16 October 2007 – Is your performance management performing?

11 October 2007 – When a team is born: How HR can bring people together

9 October 2007 – The Facebook face-off

4 October 2007 – Age discrimination: One year older, but are we wiser?

2 October 2007 – Laying down the law

27 September 2007 – HR technology: Don’t fear the report writer

25 September 2007 – Crossing borders: The talent melting pot

20 September 2007 – Staff development: Looking both ways

18 September 2007 – Are temps feeling the benefits?

13 September 2007 – The parent trap: Dealing with childcare

11 September 2007 – Employment legislation: Untangling the red tape

6 September 2007 – Risky business: Facing adversity and riding the storm

4 September 2007 – Employee retention: Where is the love?

30 August 2007 – Pioneers pave the way for paperless HR

28 August 2007 – Tips for the top: Getting the most from executive coaching

23 August 2007 – Getting your just reward

21 August 2007 – Inside outsourcing

16 August 2007 – All mixed up: Have diversity issues lost face?

14 August 2007 – Sidelined? The disappointing maternity return

9 August 2007 – Tales of the unexpected: Succession planning

7 August 2007 – All alone? The plight of vulnerable workers

2 August 2007 – Getting hot on climate change

31 July 2007 – Taking a dramatic approach to learning

26 July 2007 – The recruitment revolution – how the net has changed the rules

24 July 2007 – Discrimination enters a new age

19 July 2007 – Holy grail of management development

17 July 2007 – Exit interviews: The long goodbye

12 July 2007 – Talent management: In it for the long-haul

10 July 2007 – Mopping up the casualties of change

5 July 2007 – Life swap: Getting the most out of secondments

3 July 2007 – Should bosses ‘hand-hold’ through smoking cold turkey?

28 June 2007 – Taking the wheel of fleet management

26 June 2007 – People power: Leading project management

21 June 2007 – Remote working: Spreading the IT security blanket

19 June 2007 – The hidden menace: Bullying at work

14 June 2007 – Blending into a new class of training

12 June 2007 – Home working: A recipe for sloth and suspicion?

7 June 2007 – Watch what you say – Or your boss will

5 June 2007 – Jobsharing: Double the trouble or twice as nice?

31 May 2007 – Maternity legislation: how has your company coped?

29 May 2007 – Knowledge management: is HR in the know?

24 May 2007 – Corporate manslaughter: are we failing staff?

22 May 2007 – All’s fair in love and war

17 May 2007 – Handling the hired guns: top tips for managing temps

15 May 2007 – Smoking 9 to 5

10 May 2007 – Where have all the women gone?

8 May 2007 – Hostage negotiation and Bill Bryson

3 May 2007 – Diversity: what’s the catch?

1 May 2007 – Mentoring: making it work

26 April 2007 – The final frontier? Web 2.0 and HR

24 April 2007 – Adjust or pay out

19 April 2007 – The first cut is the deepest: managing redundancy

17 April 2007 – Should you provide maternity coaching?

12 April 2007 – Who’s the boss?

10 April 2007 – Are you passionate enough for HR?

5 April 2007 – Resolving disputes in the workplace

3 April 2007 – Individual vs team rewards: are you asking for trouble?

29 March 2007 – When a stranger calls: should you be worried about interim management?

27 March 2007 – Spelling disaster and other tales

22 March 2007 – Dismissal and the walk of shame

20 March 2007 – References: should you tell the truth?

15 March 2007 – You can’t be a slob if you work a McJob

13 March 2007 – Talent management – Making it work

8 March 2007 – Disability and recruitment: are we discriminating?

6 March 2007 – Put your baby in a zoo: Discrimination and working mothers

6 March 2007 – Making international benefits work

27 February 2007 – ‘Shemail’ and training needs analysis

22 February 2007 – How CSR can boost HR

20 February 2007 – Why is change management so difficult to get right?

15 February 2007 – Feeling fat? You’ll pay for it

13 February 2007 – Your maternity queries answered

8 February 2007 – HR outsourcing, office romances and a bullying boss

6 February 2007 – Absences, international assignments and an interview SOS

1 February 2007 – Performance management: achieving results

30 January 2007 – Smoking away your salary

25 January 2007 – Work life: assisting the balancing act

23 January 2007 – Strikes: best avoided

18 January 2007 – E-recruitment – Sorting the wheat from the chaff

16 January 2007 – Stressed out? So what?

11 January 2007 – Executive development – Who’s the boss?

9 January 2007 – The most expensive messy desk

4 January 2007 – Business travel: Keeping costs down

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