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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor


Incivility, onboarding lessons and why we should all work less


Are you up to date with the latest developments in HR? Worry not, we've spent the week rounding up our favourite articles and blogs for you to read whenever you get a spare five minutes on the bus or at your desk.

Let us know what you think of the articles we've shared, and tell us what you've enjoyed reading this

Family-friendly working

– Are fathers being failed in the workplace? (

Is flexible working biased against non-parents? (BBC)


– Can the gig economy survive the British worker? (BusinessZone)

Are we lost in the minutae of employee engagement? (David Zinger, LinkedIn)

– What we've learned from onboarding 300+ people in 18 months (Medium)

How the heck do I get my employees engaged?? (Karin Volo, LinkedIn)


– Is collaboration the new innovation for workforce well-being? (Jeremy Scrivens, LinkedIn)

– Why the secret to productivity isn’t longer hours (The Guardian)

Are we all working for free? (The Independent)

The hidden toll of workplace incivility (McKinsey)


– Creative entropy – a killer problem with Laloux’s evolutionary purpose (Flux)

Why corporate diversity is important, and how to improve it (Intelligent HQ)

How internal comms can make your organisation agile and responsive (PR Week)

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Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

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