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Jean Brading


Jean Brading has a background in HR and careers work. For the last ten years, she has specialised in various aspects of equal opportunities, diversity and employment, and has published widely on disability in particular. She has developed materials and delivered training for many kinds of organisations: for example, the City of London Police, the London Stock Exchange, the Association of Graduate Recruiters, the Institute of Careers Guidance, OCR (the examinations body), the National Centre for Volunteering and the University of Wales, Lampeter. She is also an experienced employment expert witness, preparing reports and giving evidence in court in personal injury and discrimination claims.

Jean has a BA in English, and an MSc in Organisational Behaviour. She also has a Diploma in Personnel Management, certificates in Counselling and training, and is qualified to administer and interpret psychometric tests (Levels A and B). She is a Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development, and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

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