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Launched in a blaze of secrecy!


Whilst at the CIPD conference a few weeks ago, TrainingZONE and HR Zone ran a story about the redesign of the DfEE website which had been transformed overnight apparently without any advance publicity or promotion. (See the story)

Well, OK, so it happens.

But today in a small aside from a DfEE press release it transpires that the Employment Service has also undergone substantial redesign.

The new site, now offering access to thousands of details of job vacancies is a vast improvement on the old site which contained little of general interest.

We’re just left wondering why the Department for Education and Employment does so little to promote its web activities. Maybe the government believe that people are not really interested in the web?

Since writing this article a report has come through of difficulty in accessing the list of jobs available in the Employment Service website. Whilst I have my own suspicions of why this happens, I’d be interested to know whether other users have difficulties.

Please let me have any comments by clicking on the ‘Add Comments’ link below this article.

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