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Mandatory Fire Safety Training


I have been told that not only should all staff receive this training initially, but that it is a legal requirement to undertake refresher training on a ‘regular’ basis. I have consulted the CIPD and they are not aware of any legislation requireing this.

If anyone is aware how often is regular? and what needs to be covered? and with whom?
Heather Davison

2 Responses

  1. fire precautions act
    The fire precautions act 1971, and the workplace fire precautions regulations 1997 (and 1999) require regular,usually annual fire precaution training for all employees.
    Fire certificates on premises will usually specify evacuation drills twice yearly. This training, and the drills must be recorded in the premises fire log book for inspection by the fire service.

  2. Mandatory Fire Training
    There is for the majority of occupations no manadatory fire safety training other than the Health and Safety training which should be done on induction.

    This should certainly cover all aspects of fire evacuation proceedures and also some info of use of equipment. This should be backed up by written manuals and familiarisation lessons regularly. This may not be mandatory but forms good working practice. It may also be mandatory for some insurance companies.

    In certain occupations Fire training is mandatory and for a full list access the Health and Safety website. This will also give you some indicators of what needs to be done re fire training for SME office type businesses.

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