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Joe Vallender

Sift Media

Production Manager

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Member wire #79 – Ditch the bah humbug!


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 79
21 December 2004

1. Feature: HR predictions – 2005
2. Feature: Tax rewards at Christmas
3. Editor’s Comment: Ditch the bah humbug!
4. CIPD predict a ‘difficult’ 2005 for employers
5. Any Answers: unpaid leave, CIPD qualifications, recruitment

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Editor’s note
We’re rounding off 2004 with a seasonal focus.

Tax expert Roy Maugham presents his top tips on taking advantage
of tax rewards at Christmas and says bosses don’t have to be
scrooge at yuletide.

While Editor’s Comment ponders why we need now brave the office
party with a good solicitor in tow and a party checklist strong
enough to withstand the fiercest ET1.

Don’t forget there are just days to go to enter your most
amusing Christmas party story in our Christmas party
clangers competition. Getting posting at:

HRZone would like to wish you Season’s Greetings and best wishes
for a successful 2005. The members’ newswire will be back on
Tuesday 4 January.


Annie Hayes

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Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

PA Consulting; McCarthy and Stone plc; Royal Mail; QBO Bell
Pottinger; CIPD; Unilever; Marks and Spencer; Allen & Overy; HM
Customs And Excise; Harrods Ltd; Michelin Tyre Plc; Deloitte;
Xerox UK Ltd; NHS; Controlled Therapeutics; The Adept
Partnership Ltd; Dalkia ETS; Adrem HR; Interleasing UK Ltd

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undertaken – resigning employees’ emotions range from extreme
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data. For more information click here:

Feature: Tax rewards at Christmas
There is no excuse for Scrooge-like bosses this Christmas as
there are plenty of ways to award staff a bonus and many won’t
cost the business a penny.

Editor’s Comment: Ditch the bah humbug!
Abandon the mistletoe was amongst this year’s warnings from the
TUC and RoSPA who advise that sexual harassment claims could be
queuing up for bosses who dare to party without precautions.

Feature: HR predictions – 2005
HR consultant Quentin Colborn presents his thoughts on what 2005
will bring to the HR environment.

CIPD predict a ‘difficult’ 2005 for employers
Employment figures are cause for concern, say the Chartered
Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

Labour market tightens
Official statistics show that jobless numbers are sliding as the
labour market continues to stabilize.

Education gets the female touch
David Blunkett’s departure sees Ruth Kelly fill Charles Clarke’s
shoes as Education Secretary.

City workers plan post-bonus exodus
Sixty-one per cent of City workers claim they will seek a new
job after their bonuses are paid.

Employees put themselves first
Tomorrow’s employees will be less loyal and more demanding,
according to new research from recruitment and HR consultancy

Workplace misconduct is rife
Nearly half of workers in London have witnessed wrong-doing by a
manager or colleague but only 15% would report it.

Any Answers answered: Unpaid leave
Q – We have an employee who has used all their entitled holiday
for the year. Can her manager insist that she takes the two days
over Christmas as unpaid annual leave?

Stephen Davies
A – Have a meeting with the employee and advise them that they
have used all their holiday entitlement for the year. Inform
them that they will need to take two days unpaid leave in
accordance with the company’s requirements (if this is written
down) in the employee handbook.

Make sure the employee is familiar with all other holiday
requirements for the future.

Alternatively you may like to give her two days allocation from
next year’s entitlement – as it’s Christmas!

Sandra Beale

If you have a question – or can offer an answer – go to

Any Answers
Any Answers is the place to go to share your professional
experiences with others. A selection of new Any Answers
questions posted this week:

Lesley Louise is looking for CIPD course recommendations.

Chantal Bourdais wants to identify recruitment agencies to
assist with her recruitment operation in Italy.

Can you add to the debate on unlawful dismissal?

Subscription Information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
– HR Zone Members Newswire
– HR Briefing

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Joe Vallender

Production Manager

Read more from Joe Vallender