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New newsfeeds and directories for HR and Training professionals from UK Government


As part of our policy of providing users with immediate access to all the most relevant HR and Training information services, we have recently been granted a licence to republish and display Government-sourced news and advice pages on both TrainingZONE and HR Zone. In each case we’ve placed the content in the appropriate index page to help you find it in future, but here is a central reference list:

Employment and HR information

The following have been added to the HR Resources Centre

  • Employers Gateway: Employer advice and resources on a wide range of issues

  • Employment advisory service: Unfair and wrongful dismissal, redundancy, discrimination, etc.

  • Employment Relations information: Agency standards, individual employment rights, redundancy, consultation, provided by the DTI

  • Pensions Guide: Pensions information for individuals, employers and providers

  • Social Security Benefits Advice: Information on benefits and services from the DSS

  • Management Best Practice Advice: Best practice guides, tools, publications and services provided through DTI agencies

  • UK Inland Revenue: Taxation and National Insurance information

  • Women’s Unit: Childcare, maternity, boosting confidence, new skills, financial advice, etc

  • Employment Appeals Tribunal Reports: Legal summaries on appealed cases and access to guidance and the forms

    Training and Learning information

    The following resources have been added to the Learning Campus

  • Individual Learning Accounts: financial support from UK government for training

  • Adult Learners Gateway: central index page for all adult learner materials provided by DfEE.

    Business Services

    The following resources have been added to the Business Directories

  • Government Gateway: for connection to all online government services (income tax, VAT, etc.)

    And don’t forget, that each of these resources centres can be easily added to your own website or intranet. Here’s how.

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