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Pay deal reached for BMW at Cowley


Workers at the BMW owned car production plant at Cowley in Oxfordshire, the site of the proposed building of the new Mini, have voted to accept a new two-year pay deal.

Details of the pay settlement are expected to be announced at a later time, but it is expected to make the workers the highest paid car workers in the UK, according to the Transport and General Workers Union (TGWU).

It is only two weeks since the workers at Cowley rejected a two year deal of 4% in the first year and 3% in the second year.

Regional organiser for the TGWU said that the deal represented a good result and a vote of confidence in the new investment planned for the Cowley site.

Disagreement remains between the company and the TGWU over flexible working arrangements and a grading scheme for work-related pay.

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