Agility in HR: 4 ways you can drive agile ways of working

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Less than one in three HR leaders state they are organized around speed, agility, and adaptability. Are you?

Agile is a set of values and principles that have formed the basis of product development methodologies in the tech industry for many years. Agile HR is the application of these principles to HR and People management, such as working in smaller teams to design and deliver HR initiatives or responding quickly to employee feedback to deliver better ways of working and great employee experiences.

While many HR leaders might not operate around speed and adaptability today, they agree that agility and flexibility are essential, especially given the current operating environment.

However, you don’t need to operate an Agile HR methodology to realize the benefits of applying some of the basic values and principles in your everyday ways of working.

Download the eBook to:

  • Understand what agile really means, so you’re better equipped to implement new ways of working across your organization
  • Discover four agile ways of working and practical ideas your HR and People teams can apply to be more flexible, agile and resilient
  • Learn how a global cloud HR and People system can free up time to concentrate on what really matters; your people

Get your copy of the eBook, ‘Agility in HR: 4 ways to drive agile ways of working’, today.


What you'll learn


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Through smart and efficient automation you can transform your entire workforce experience, improving productivity and freeing up your HR team to focus on growing your people and your business.

By automating the end to end people journey, Sage People provides the technology and services you need to embrace the new ways of working today and in the future, and will grow as you do.

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