How to evaluate and select the best-fit technology for your business

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To drive a forward thinking organisation and be on top of the competition, businesses – and workforce – need to adopt the new technologies. While it’s a positive change for the company, it’s a big stress for the team.

Leading our customers through the digital transformation, we’ve learnt: all the technical difficulties on the way to a successful roll-out pale in comparison to the challenge of changing employees’ working habits.

We are happy to share our findings on how to overcome this challenge in our guide on implementing new technology!

Download the guide to learn:

  • How to evaluate and select the best-fit technology for your business
  • How to promote new technology benefits among your employees (Problem-Agitation-Solution method)
  • How to avoid or overcome employee resistance
  • How to ensure your employees keep using the technology in the long-run

Also includes:

The SMART framework template to kick-off tech solution implementation.

What you'll learn


Eko is an internal communication and operations platform for businesses that brings the right people, information, and tools together to get work done. Companies around the world use Eko to connect their teams, increase their staff engagement and efficiency, and drive their business forward.

We are a global company with offices in London, Bangkok, Amsterdam, Berlin, and New York. In total to date, Eko has raised $28.7 million in funding. We are proud to be backed by leading VC firms including Gobi Partners, 500 Startups, Siemer Ventures, Tigerlabs Ventures, SMDV, and more.

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