How to simplify HR service delivery

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Simplify your HR delivery and focus on what you love most—helping great employees build an even greater business.

The average HR professional spends 12 hours a week answering routine calls and emails. Imagine breaking free of these time‑stealing manual tasks. What could you achieve with 30% more time?

This practical guide will show you how to break the email and spreadsheet habit and feel the flow of seamlessly managed HR services. Take a look to discover how service management can:

  • Automate both repetitive and complex manual work
  • Strengthen your business processes
  • Deliver a vastly better employee experience

What you'll learn


Your enterprise needs to move faster, but lack of process and legacy tools hold you back. Every day, thousands of customer requests, IT incidents, and HR cases follow their own paths—moving back and forth between people, machines, and departments. Unstructured. Undocumented. Unimproved for years. With the ServiceNow System of Action you can replace these unstructured work patterns of the past with intelligent workflows of the
future. Now every employee, customer, and machine can make requests on a single cloud platform. Every department working on these requests can assign and prioritize, collaborate, get down to root cause issues, gain real-time insights, and drive to action. Your employees are energized, your service levels improve, and you realize game-changing economics. Work at Lightspeed.

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