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HRZone’s All Hands on Tech podcast is an avenue through which we explore topical issues and the latest trends in the ever-evolving HR technology space.

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Episode one: Employee experience – the fundamentals of people at work

Our first episode is a discussion between people analytics expert Dr Max Blumberg and CEO of Personal Group Deborah Frost about an ongoing employee benchmark study on the employee experience. 

The episode is now live and you can listen to the discussion here.

What you'll learn

hr-com-outline is an online destination for HR professionals and business leaders offering advice, guidance, opinions and up-to-date information on how the working life and responsibilities of the modern HR professional are being shaped.

We cover a range of topics including employment law, HR technology, leadership, recruitment, talent management, wellbeing, diversity, benefits and training. Alongside its regular stream of editorial articles, HRZone delivers research, premium reports for download and live and digital events. Our content is written by HR leaders as well as consultants and industry commentators.

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