Video: How organisations are using neuroscience in business and HR

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Neuroscience is in vogue in both business and HR – but why? Is it a passing fad or packed full of insight that could help inform the way we do things in HR and organisations?

We took some time out to to discuss the issue at HRZone.

Join Editor Jamie Lawrence, Deputy Editor Shonette Laffy and Jan Hills, founder of consultancy Head Heart + Brain as we tease out the main benefits of neuroscience research and discuss what actually makes a difference in organisations.

We also look at how you can make the most from this emerging area of research without getting caught up in the detail.

If you're interested in seeing if neuroscience is right for you, or want to get some more tools in your toolkit for leading behavioural change, this is the webinar for you.

What you'll learn


Head Heart + Brain was founded to change the way leadership development is designed and delivered. We use our understanding of how the brain learns and changes behaviour to design all our programmes. This ensures an achievement of greater behavioural change and thus a better return on your investment. Since 2009 we have been using the findings from neuroscience to help leaders understand themselves, their teams and how they can be more effective. Head Heart + Brain was founded by Jan Hills, who previously ran her own successful consulting business and was COO at an investment bank, so brings a huge amount of experience to the table in leadership and dealing with practical business issues.

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