Why digital transformation depends on workforce transformation

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Nobody doubts that human factors are the most important elements in making digital transformation truly valuable. However, to successfully execute and support a digital transformation strategy means far more than putting a digitized HR process in place.

To create the right foundation for such transformation to succeed, it is important to develop an integrated strategy that focuses on talent identification, recruitment and retention, as well as employee engagement.

Download this FREE report and discover how digital transformation done well will lead to a culture of continuous innovation that others will find difficult to match.

This report covers:

  • Why digital transformation depends on workforce transformation
  • The potential for HR digital transformation
  • What tools are required
  • A look to the future


At Infor, we understand that your business challenges are unique to your line of work. Our comprehensive industry suites don’t require customization because they already deliver industry-specific functionality and support processes that are critical to micro-verticals like yours.

We integrate your systems and processes quickly. Our next-generation middleware, ION, leverages HTML5 so users can securely access information from a wide range of browsers and devices. With flexible deployment options, we let you run your business in the cloud, on-site or a combination of both.

Our intuitive, responsive, and elegant user experience design empowers Infor applications to work the way you do. We’ve replaced confusing workflows, and complicated screens with a beautiful, consumer-grade, interface that pivots on the assets essential to each user’s role.  

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