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Restructuring Central Government


Some confusion appears to be surfacing in the restructuring of government departments following last week’s election and the subsequent Cabinet reshuffle.

Importantly, two new departments have been created on 8th June (last Friday) which will replace the Department for Education and Employment and the Department of Social Security:

  • The Department for Work, Family and Pensions, apparently already being referred to as the Department for Work and Pensions, has been formed from parts of the former Department of Social Security, parts of the former Department for Education and Employment and the Employment Service.

    The Department for Work, Family and Pensions will be responsible for the modernisation of work and benefit related services for people of working age and older people. It will include the Employment Service, the Benefits Agency, and the Child Support Agency, and will have responsibility for creating Jobcentre Plus and the new Pensions Service.

    As a part of the restructuring, the new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Alistair Darling, has announced that the War Pensions Agency, formerly a part of the Department of Social Security will transfer to the Ministry of Defence.

    In an additional announcement, Ian McCartney MP has been appointed as Minister responsible for Pensions within the DWP, and Nick Brown MP., formerly Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, has been appointed as Minister for Work.

    The following have been appointed as Parliamentary Secretaries for the Department of Work and Pensions:
    The Rt Hon Baroness Hollis of Heigham DL
    Malcolm Wicks MP
    Ms Maria Eagle MP

  • The Department for Education and Skills has been formed mainly from the old Department for Education and Employment.

    The Department for Education and Skills will have responsibility for education, training and life-long learning.

    For further news of ministerial responsibilities and areas of accountability within the DfES see:

    Government Responsibilities after the Reshuffle

    DfEE becomes DfES

    New appointments within Department for Education and Skills

    Further Details of Appointments and Responsibilities In Work and Pensions

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