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Jamie Lawrence


Insights Director


Round-up: pizza woes, EU-protected flings and cocaine-laden roses – three Valentines Day stories for you


Another year, another wave of Valentines Day stories about what percentage of people think office flings are acceptable or not? Yes, although we've tried to avoid them and only bring you some of the fresher stuff. Here are three stories that stood out, for various reasons…

1. "If an employer frustrates your office romance and threatens to pass sentence, subject to any duty of disclosure, I would tell them politely to mind their own business."

This employment lawyer suggests that the European Convention on Human Rights comes into force over office relationships due to protections around 'private and family life.'

Get your flings out of the way before we negotiate our exit then…

In all seriouness, it's an interesting take on some of the nuances arising from office romances and how EU law sees each instance.

2. Colombian police workload spikes in January as they try to frustrate efforts to load rose-laden jumbo jets flying out of the country with something a little more stimulating along for the ride

Every year 150 metric tons of roses leave Colombia bound for markets around the world, carried by more than 30 jumbo jets.

Security is intense: once the flowers have arrived at the airport 100 police officers and 15 drug-sniffing dogs inspect every shipment, along with the standard electronic scanners.

Last year's haul was 90 kilograms of cocaine. Not sure what it was this year yet…

3. Dominos serves up a slice of tough love on Valentines Day

A trainee manager (apparently) put up a notice in one of the firm's locations in Newcastle that started with the following: 

"All staff are required to work on February 14. There will be no exceptions no matter what exscuse is given. Even if you don’t normally work on this day you will have to come in. Any instores who do not come in will have there [sic] hours cut and there [sic] right to a free pizza will be revoked."

The notice has since been taken down but there's a picture being carried by the Metro.

Here's your terrible pizza chat up line: "Sorry, I just mistook you for a Dominos meteor pizza because you're out of this world."


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Jamie Lawrence

Insights Director

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