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Sex in the Office


A report from website reveals the results of their ‘Sex in the Office Survey 2000’. is a site aimed at a young female audience.

The results of the survey, perhaps appropriately released in the Christmas Office Party season, give the following statistics for thought:

  • 82% of respondents claimed to ‘flirting with male colleagues that they found attractive’
  • 61% claimed to have had sex with a colleague
  • 51% of those claimed that it was with a superior (their word)
  • 25% claimed to have a ‘fanciable’ boss
  • 22% claimed to have had sex with their boss
  • 65% did not regret the sexual liaison, with some 60% saying that it had not affected the working relationship
  • 20% said they would sleep with the boss if it meant certain promotion

HR Zone says: Accepting that the NewWoman website is meant to be fun and frivolous, the results of this non-too-serious survey may raise a smile. However, at the risk of cries of Bah! Humbug! all workers should realise that office romances and office sexual activity are a minefield with potential for serious legal action, and the New Year frequently sees legal cases being commenced. Employees and business owners and managers have responsibilities to act fairly and considerately toward other people at their place of work, and whilst this survey may raise a smile it also perpetuates a myth that inappropriate workplace behaviour is acceptable.

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