Risk assessment form for sexual harassment

man on parachute near the mountain, use of the risk assessment form for sexual harassment

Check that your organisation is maintaining compliance and taking reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment of workers. Review this 10-point checklist and make use of the risk assessment form.

Five ways to sabotage relationships at work

three animals on sand during daytime, relationships at work

Good relationships enrich the workplace and help us get things done. But human connections are fragile and common behaviours harm our efforts to build trust. Quentin Millington of Marble Brook examines how we wreck, and how we might protect, our workplace relationships.

Difficult colleagues: Relationships with people who act badly

tigers fighting on swamp, difficult colleagues

We all come across ‘difficult’ people at work. Some may simply have different motives, while others appear quite intractable. Quentin Millington of Marble Brook examines how to chip away at even the most stubborn problem, to secure cooperation and strengthen a relationship.