Four easy steps to plan for career change


Of course skills, qualifications and abilities are vital, but when I am coaching people who want to change career, it often transpires that they have not stopped to consider what they really want. It’s natural to some extent to want to just move on quickly, but this research and reflection time will be time very […]

News: Child benefit cuts will ‘incentivise parents to work less’


The introduction of child benefit cuts on Monday could incentivise individuals to either work fewer hours or contribute more into private pensions to try and avoid punitive tax rates, a think tank has warned. According to the Institute for Fiscal Studies, households in which one person earns more than £50,000 per annum will face higher […]

Blog: How not to have to make a New Year’s resolution ever again


Don’t get me wrong there are some fantastic articles out there about New Year resolutions and I’ve shared many of them with my social media connections.   I just don’t subscribe to the whole phenomena about making resolutions in the New Year.   It’s not because they don’t work, sometimes they do. It’s just that […]

In a Nutshell: Four considerations when holding a tricky conversation


As an HR pro, being able to talk about sensitive and emotive issues is an important part of the job, but it’s also one of the toughest. If handled badly, such conversations, ranging from performance and conduct to personal matters, can damage team dynamics, lower morale and have a negative impact on attendance and performance […]

News: Top 10 talent trends for 2013


From the continued impact of the difficult global economic situation on HR departments to a growing focus on workforce diversity, 2013 looks set to be a dynamic and exciting year. Recruitment consultancy Futurestep, a Korn/Ferry company, outlines the top 10 trends that it expects to see in the talent management arena:   1. To outsource […]

Talent Spot: Community blogger, Will Mitchell


Lifelong learning and development is something that Will Mitchell, director of consulting at talent management specialists, A&DC, wholeheartedly believes in. His love of learning was developed on taking a gap year after graduation, when he went to Australia with the Outward Bound Trust, an educational charity that focuses on learning out-of-doors.   Mitchell loved it […]

Talking Point: Why put all your eggs in one talent management basket?


Talent management has traditionally focussed on the individual. Employers identify potential shining stars who they can train, mentor and coach in order to excel and take over key positions in the business.   This is how it has always been, but is it necessarily how it should always remain? The question is, does this approach […]

Case Study: Inchcape Shipping Services standardises global HR to boost efficiency


Inchcape Shipping Services is in the process of standardising its HR processes in a bid to boost efficiency and better understand its workforce across the 67 countries in which it operates. Rapid growth and global expansion meant that the maritime services provider had so far failed to introduce global HR or any other IT systems […]

What does the future hold for HR?


The world of work has changed beyond recognition in recent years, with commentators predicting we are on the verge of a seismic shift not seen since the industrial revolution.   In her book ‘The Shift: The future of work is already here’, Lynda Gratton highlights five forces that will result in profound changes to the […]

The HRZone Interview: David Frost on sickness absence


Every year, around 11 million workers call in sick and 140 million days are lost to sickness absence. The economic cost of ill-health is estimated to be a staggering £100 billion.   Moreover, each year around 300,000 employees will not return to work, joining the benefits system instead. Not surprisingly, the government is keen to […]

Blog: Five ways to ensure your meetings are effective


HR can play a big role in improving organisational communication simply by establishing a precedent for office meetings. Effective office meetings lead to improved communication in the workplace, higher levels of productivity, and increased employee morale. So how can you get the most out of meetings in your company? 1. Establish a Meeting Objective: The meeting organiser should […]

Blog: Getting your champagne stories ready for Christmas


December is a time of celebration, thanks and appreciation for many people in business. For others it’s also the end of a financial year and so appraisals are happening too.     One leader I am working with described the appraisal season as the most remarkable time where she’s been reminded of what her team […]

Talent Spot: Lynne Graham, HR director at WSH


For Lynne Graham, HR director of high-end catering services firm, Westbury Street Holdings, employee engagement is more than a buzzword – it has seeped into the fabric of the company. “I have a very strong belief in engagement,” she says. “A lot of companies see engagement as an internal PR exercise – reward and recognition […]

Blog: Four tips to help stressed out HR pros relax


Stress is common in the workplace and it negatively impacts the performance of employees. HR managers of small businesses often wear many hats and are placed in the position of recruiter, benefits administrator, payroll processor and more.   Stress in the workplace makes a big impact. In fact, stress was the most common cause of […]

News: Employment market to remain tough until end of decade


Unemployment is unlikely to peak until 2014, with the jobs market expected to remain tough until at least the end of the decade, experts have warned. Even though official forecasts have been showing falls in worklessness lately, an analysis of figures undertaken by think tank, the Institute for Public Policy Research, which are due to […]

News: 1/3 of workers sleep with colleagues at the Xmas party


Even though just under a third of employees admitted to having had sex with a co-worker at the Christmas party, nearly three quarters don’t want to go this year. According to a poll of 1,000 UK staff undertaken by married dating website, three out of five also acknowledged having kissed someone that they work […]

Blog: New Year’s resolution #1: Become a charity trustee


In his Autumn Statement this week, Chancellor George Osborne announced that the UK economy is set to shrink by a worse than expected 0.1% this year. So with an uncertain business climate ahead, businesses will need to work more smartly than ever to ensure that their employees are productive and engaged during 2013.   One […]

Varied work styles lead to personality clash between HR and line managers


The personality clash experienced by many HR professionals and line managers in the financial services sector can be put down to their very different styles of working, according to a study. An analysis of the personality profiles of 5,000 financial services employees conducted by assessment system provider, Talent Q, revealed that HR practitioners tended to […]

Blog: Demonstrating the X Factor – 3 things to help you sparkle in a job interview


In front of the Judges…Show them the X Factor!  In today’s job seeker market there are so many different factors to consider when applying for a job – the content of your CV, the answers you give to role specific questions, psychometric profiling, assessment centres, telephone interviews and then of course the face to face […]

Blog: I’ve got an underperformer – Get them out of here!


At some point in their career, most HR profressionals and managers have the challenge of dealing with a persistent underperformer. Clearly it isn’t acceptable to get them to eat creepy crawlies in order to “Get them out of here!” – however much you may feel like it at the time.   Managing someone out of […]